
NBC News Morgan Chesky details ‘mental fog’ after contracting coronavirus

NBC News Morgan Chesky details ‘mental fog’ after contracting coronavirus

Dallas-based NBC News reporter Morgan Chesky has revealed that he has the coronavirus and is opening up about how he is coping with his recovery.

Chesky, 34, first tweeted a lengthy message on July 2, in which he explained how he was feeling.

“Earlier last week, I noticed that I had lost my sense of taste and smell, and within a few hours I started to feel surprisingly tired and dizzy. While coughing happened quickly, luckily I was able to take it within 24 hours Tested and received results. Sure enough, after reporting a pandemic for the past 6 months, I was one of them when I came back positive for Covid-19.”

Chesky went on to document how he felt like he couldn’t keep up.

“I spent the next few days in bed, treating a dull but persistent headache, extreme fatigue, and occasional back pain. After hearing past patients complain of mental fog, I found that when basic tasks seemed to become more difficult What do they mean when it comes to focus and processing,” he wrote. “It’s important to note that my ability to breathe was never affected and I never had a fever. All in all, it looks like I have a mild case and I’m very lucky for that.”

Chesky returned to work two weeks later, releasing a report today, noting that he is getting better after his diagnosis.

“It’s certainly a journey,” he said. “It’s a disturbing feeling. With this virus affecting everyone in such a different way, (I would) wake up and wonder what’s going to happen next.”

Chesky wrote about the anxiety in his previous Twitter post, noting that it was unpleasant at all.

“I know what you’re thinking, no, I don’t know where I encountered Covid-19. I was in multiple cities during its estimated incubation time, so it’s anyone’s guess at this point. Knowing that, waking up every day and wondering how your body is going to respond to a virus we’re still learning can be really disconcerting.

“It’s even more frustrating to be stuck in bed and watch the simple act of wearing a mask somehow become a partisan issue. We can beat these guys, but it definitely takes a team effort, starting with a proven foundation, to prevent this from going any further. ​​Step spread more than it already has,” he wrote.

In his post, Chesky also made sure to thank those who rallied to help him.

“Special thanks to everyone who has followed me and my NBC family for coming along the way. My mom drove over from Houston to deliver Gatorade and snacks, thank you for proving one thing we already know, mom is the best Yes, especially in a pandemic. Love it a lot, MC.”

Chesky is the latest member of the NBC News family to contract the coronavirus. Contributor Dr. Joseph Fair revealed in May that he owns it. In March, Larry Edgeworth, a 25-year NBC News veteran, died after testing positive.

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